I feel thunder in the sky …I see the sky about to rain … And I hear the prairies calling out Your name …
I can feel the earth tremble … Beneath the rumbling of the buffalo hooves
And the fury in the pheasant's wings … And it tells me the Lord is in His temple
And there is still a faith that can make the mountains move
And a love that can make the heavens ring … And I've seen love make heaven ring
I was born to a genuine outdoorsman in Wisconsin. A man who had a great appreciation for all things natural to our earth, wilderness, wildlife and his greatest past time of fly fishing.
He was a business man when he wasn’t exploring creation. Where I, on the other hand, was a dreamer exploring my perspective and interpretation of the world from an artistic curiosity of colors, clouds, shapes and formations.
I fell in love with the diverse beauty of every storm, every explosion of sunshine and all the creatures that scurried and thundered through the forests, fields and coastal regions.
The shadows came alive, the patterns in trees and plants were exciting and heart felt. How could any of this be a coincidence an accident or some grand scientific experiment? It was all way too moving and full of deep meaning. I eventually threw myself into capturing the glory of all this creation through artistic expression.
After years of sketching, painting and photography, I felt the most comfortable working with oils on canvas. And grew to love the medium. My approach was to avoid painting the obvious, so when I decide to paint what I love, creation, I always considered the surroundings or environment of the subject just as important as the subject.
If I am going to paint a mountain lion or a peregrine falcon, I look for, and create, the background or habitat in such a way that it can stand on its own if the subject were missing. Then, as I add the animal into the scene the environment will direct the eye to the subject. This brings much more life to the scene. It is thriving in the beauty of the creation around it.